Thursday, November 09, 2006

Suddenly the trees have leaves!

Yes, I know it is fall, and the trees are usually thought of as LOSING their leaves at this point . . . but in fact, I'm seeing more leaves than I have in a while. So, figured out the riddle? Well, I got glasses. It's not like I desperately need them for anything other than class . . . but in the larger lecture halls I was lost if I sat more than 4 rows back. Of course, for a while I just thought that my prof had lousy resolution on her slides. That lasted until I commented on the resolution to a friend sitting beside me. She was like, umm, hate to break it to you . . . just try these. She held out her glasses, and I put them on assuming I would prove her wrong. But no, the world suddenly snapped into perfect focus, even the world on the screen 30 metres away. She assured me that her glasses were the lowest prescription that her optometrist said he gave out, but daaaamn, I was still horrified.

I thought that I had totally lucked out, considering that my parents both had coke-bottle glasses by the time they were in junior high. Nope, apparently I only prolonged my descent into assisted vision. But it makes things like trees - previously seen across the road as green things with trunks, a lot more interesting