Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ling 361 Presentation

Journal article review PowerPoint of
"Language choice as a means of shaping identity" by Janet M. Fuller

Presentation by Julie, Lindsay and Caitlin

LING 376 and Ling 375 presentations online

Linguistics 376 Presentation:
"Teaching ESL at home and abroad" by Michelle, Lindsay, Sandra, Dale and Shannon given March 25

Linguistics 375 Presentation
"Review of Learner English: a teacher's guide to interference and other problems"
by Chris and Lindsay

Linguistics 375 Presentation
"Chapter 8: Bilingual Syllabus"
by Chris and Lindsay


Dave’s ESL Café



(China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan)


Transitions Abroad


ESL Job Find


Serious Teachers


Saxon Court Schools


Going Global




ESL Cafe

ESL Jobs


ESL teachers board



Inlingua, Linguarama, and Berlitz are reputable and have schools throughout Europe.

Some reputable schools by country:

Leipzig Language Service (Germany), Le Comptoir des Langues (Paris, France), Royal School of Languages (Portugal, Germany), any school that is a member of AISLI, the Associazione Italiana Scuole di Lingua Inglese (Italy), BKC International (Russia), English First (Russia)

http://www.embassyworld.com/ –> a list of ALL of the world’s embassies in one

http://www.swap.ca/out_eng/destinations/ireland.aspx –> information about Ireland’s working holiday visa program

www.visarus.co.uk –> continuously updated directory of schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with phone numbers and addresses

http://www.nextstepabroad.com/Site/abroad/working-holiday-eligibility.aspx –>A list of countries that have working holiday visas available for citizens of specific countries

http://www.esljobs.com/ –> Very helpful index of jobs from around the world, separated by continent

http://www.lingobongo.com/madrid/ –>index to various language schools in Spain

http://www.simplyesl.com –> Go to their job board

http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/ –> very helpful travel information, sorted by destination. Gives detailed descriptions of relevant diseases.

http://www.transitionsabroad.com/listings/work/esl/teaching_english_in_europe_top_jobs.shtml –> list of ‘Top Jobs’ teaching ESL or EFL in Europe.


Teaching English in Europe, Susan Griffith (Book)


A BBC site for learners and teachers of English, includes lessons, quizzes, and more.


A provider of English training resources delivered via the Internet.

Resources are used by more than 55,000 teachers in 190 countries reaching over one million students worldwide. Up-to-date resources based on Reuters® news articles.


This is a company based in London called Professional Language Solutions. This is a good solid company to check out if you want to teach professionals in business. “Professional Language Solutions has its Group Headquarters in London, and a significant presence in the Southern Mediterranean, Caspian and North African regions, with our own training centres in Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Algeria and Saudi Arabia.”


is another UK based service operation, it recruits English language teachers from around the world on behalf of clients.


Expatriate Resources & Resources for Global Relocation


good for Canadians and Americans interested in teaching English overseas. Includes an overview of the job market, and special pages for Regional Job Markets.


ESL job listings around the world.


Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, provides essential information for Canadians abroad. Everything you need to know from travel warnings, health issues to consider, registration with Canadian offices, global issues, cultural insights, visa requirements, and much more. Essential site to check out.


This is the Statistics Canada Foreign Post Indexes, which are calculated to establish and adjust the Post Living Allowance (PLA) paid to Canadian government employees serving outside Canada. They are comparative measurements that numerically express the difference between the retail prices of a representative basket of goods and services at a foreign location with prices for a similar basket of goods and services in Ottawa.

So, if you figure out what it all means, you can sort out if your job pays enough for you to get by.


Cumyn, Alan. 2001. What in the World Is Going On? A Guide for Canadians Wishing to Work, Volunteer or Study in Other Countries. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Bureau for International Education.


4th ed. Canada: Intercultural Systems/Systèmes interculturels (ISSI)


A good listing of places to look for jobs in Africa.


An Israeli site for teaching ESL.

Teaching English Overseas: A Job Guide for Americans and Canadians, Jeff Mohamed (Book)