Friday, September 24, 2010

Take Action on Junk Mail!

Have you ever opened your mailbox to find it bulging with flyers, brochures and newsletters. . . none of it addressed to you? Or an avalanche of credit card approvals and catalogues in your name, all unsolicited? Does your local newspaper come with more flyers than news articles? If you are frustrated by the waste of paper and ink, but don't have the time to phone each company directly, here are some easy ways to drastically reduce your junk mail quandary.

  • Stick a note on your mailbox requesting "no unaddressed admail." Read the particulars on the Canada Post website.

  • If you need a waterproof sticker, many environmental groups can send you one for free or for a nominal fee, like Green Calgary or the Red Dot Campaign. It's a good idea to send Canada Post this letter as well.

  • Canada Post is legally obligated to deliver addressed items (solicited or not), so you have to stop it at the source. To hit up to 800 corporate birds with one stone, register for the Canadian Marketer's Association Do Not Contact Service.

  • Even with a sticker, some items including community newspapers will still arrive. . . advertising contents included. Fortunately many community newspapers will send you their paper without the flyers and inserts on request. Look up their number and give them a call.
Doesn't that make you feel better already?