Saturday, April 23, 2005


Yesterday I bought a hot bathing suit. Anyways, I assume that a small bikini in 4 shades of green that has four things I have to tie to make it stay on should be hot. It had better be hot. . . I can't think of anything else that covered so little skin and cost me so much. I also got a nice haircut and a wicked straightener/style job at the same time as my friend, so I was looking as well as feeling hot.

Yesterday continued on well, and I managed to be taken to the birthday party of someone I thought I didn't know, and it turns out it was someone I had intended to get to know a while back. This was also surprise to a friend of the birthday girl, this guy that I have been compared to, usually unfavourably, by my parents since I was seven. His parents are close family friends. I was pleased to screw him over in some drinking game directly after he told me that I was going to be the one who lost bad and would needed to be carried home. Lately though I have got along with him better, and envy him a lot less. I guess it means I'm evolving, when I seem to get past being enemies with people, and put a stop on making new ones.

After the party we all went out dancing, and I danced like a crazy girl for three hours. I have corroberation on the crazy part . . . that's what most of the guys I dance with say. My roommate assures me it is just because most of the girls in the clubs are too busy trying to fit in and don't just go for it. My favourite people to dance with are people who don't give a fuck (assuming they usually keep their elbows to themselves), and I hope that some people get a similar kick out of me. What's the point of dancing if you can't just have fun without thinking too hard? If I wanted to think harder, I would take more ballroom/salsa/swing classes.


Blogger Keltok said...

Awww...I miss dancing with you yo. It's much more fun if you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. My dancing has been in woefully short supply this year...I should really remedy that.

9:39 a.m., April 24, 2005  
Blogger Drew said...

Well, April and I are gonna be out there in May......


9:45 a.m., April 24, 2005  

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