Monday, January 09, 2006

Long Time Gone

Right, so I disappeared for at least a month there . . . exam season hit, then Christmas shopping, then the flu, then holidaying, thenmore after-Christmas shopping . . . and total denial that I had to go back to school. After helping my past-and-future roommate, Keltie, move in to our apartment, I spent a few days moping and refusing to prep for classes in any way.

On the upside, I actually got back to writing, and wrote a four page piece. For once, the four page piece was actually supposed to be four pages, and stands alone, no explaination needed. Maybe I'll toss it up on this blog. Right now, I am going to go cook something and watch the HBO show Entourage with Kelt, and finish putting up our umpteenth string of Christmas lights for my birthday party. I was actually born on Dec. 24th, so a Christmas lights are part of my theme. Actually, I just like them, and consider them to be 'student chic', or so I claim. Maybe it's because they are bright and shiny.

I did indulge in theatre movie watching . . . in the last 7 days I have seen The Family Stone, Pride and Prejudice, Brokeback Mountain, Wolf Creek, Chicken Little, Serenity, and maybe something else I forgot. Hey, I needed the break . . . burnout from last term was especially bad.


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