Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Who should not read my blog

Right, I went over this topic a few times . . . but somehow I let it slip to the parents that I had a blog. Nothing came of that for a few weeks, so I figured it had slipped by unnoticed . . . then suddenly my dad complained that if I was really working on the stuff he wants me to get done, I wouldn't have time to blog. Instantly my ears flattened back and the whites of my eyes probably flashed, just like my dog when he knows he is headed for a bath.

So after the first wave of panic started to wear off, I realized that he didn't look very pissy, so he probably hadn't read much of it, if any.

(I have been, mwahahaa, smart enough not to use my real name, and to ask friends who link with me not to use it either. I think this is always a good practice, especially because I do have some content containing the paranoid company I work for in here as well. )

So I started testing him to see if he had actually read it, or was just making it sound like he had. After a week of no fireworks when he read some of the earlier entries, I was unsurprised when I asked him how he liked my poetry, and he pretended to be too interested in Steve Nash's fantastic play to give a straight answer. A person less used to his sneaky ways might have been fooled.

Yeah, he so hasn't found this webpage yet . . . .I think he was mostly seeing how much I would panic if I thought he had. Fortunately, I have perfected the art of the silent panic, especially to be used around the parents. My parents especially have mastered the fine art of making me think they know what I have done-and-tried-to-hide.

But, now he knows that somewhere in the ether a blog by yours truly lies, I will take the precautions of resetting some of my favourite blog posts into 'draft' status so they aren't visible. Predictably, these blogs are/were titled:

"Coverup needed, tips required"
"Waiting to be busted again"
"Update on the [actual topic excised]"

I also took the precaution of asking less nosy family members how he learned about my blog, and that is how I found out that he heard about it from my own lips. Darn. So I shall consider the blog 'very low privacy setting' from now on. How very lame.


Blogger Robeena said...

that is too funny. I only have one post about my family, and it's fairly old, so I don't know if they would see it, but I also live in fear that they find my blog.

4:55 p.m., May 17, 2006  

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