Trailer Trash Pubcrawl
So, Keltie took me out for her medschool pubcrawl a few weeks back, so I took her out on the biochem/microbi pub crawl this saturday, along with our two friends Jordan and Annie.
To backtrack a few unblogged weeks, the medschool pub crawl was excellent, and inclded lots of free beer, games, meeting new cool people, piggybacking races, beer boat races, and wearing of unfortunate clothing. As far as unfortunate clothing went, I ended up in animal print boxers and a swirly black and white and sequinned 70's minidress that was quite tight and short. Fortunately the boxers made it impossible to flash anyone, and usually I was able to pull down the dress over the boxers, and actually looked rather hot in a hookerish way.
I really enjoyed the whole thing, had a kickass time without embarassing myself, and also learned to my surprise that I can actually chug beer well enough not to embarass myself in boat races, even when against guys. Of course, against the Russian I was toast (Well, he's from Georgia, but I would like to think he has some mystical advantage in the alcohol consumption abilities) but I still impressed myself, Keltie, and several onlookers. We finished up at Evolution, and had a great time dancing . . . and still made it home on the last bus.
So, back to the micro/bioc pubcrawl last night: the theme was Trailer Trash and, seeing as the last pubcrawl we attended was a blast, me and Kelt got ALL dolled up for it. I mean, we had fishnets, hiiiigh heels, little tiny skirts, and little corset things overtop of our shirts. The word 'shirt' here is used lightly, as mine was originally a negligee top at La Senza, and Keltie had a lowcut black lycra-ish thing that she deliberately pulled down enough to flash her black with pink polkadots bra. We overdid the makeup, and chewed gum in the best tasteless way. When we got our pubcrawl shirts, we immediately chopped off 80% of the material, and made knots to tie the tiny sportsbra-shaped remains over our chests. If I must say so myself, we were some of the best-worst-dressed people there, and very thematically correct.
Unfortunately the pubcrawl was a disaster. It was the worst-organized pubcrawl I had ever been to, and my friend Rachel (a bartender at the first bar) said that the organizers underestimated the ticket sales by 50 people, gave a food order for 140 people only three hours in advance, didn't know how much beer they wanted, etc etc etc. The second bar was too small for all of us, so we were all crowded in, and the beer boat races plan fell through. The third bar, after hearing that there were 150 of us, refused to let us in . . . . yeah, what the hell kind of bar suddenly decides to ditch out as a planned pubcrawl venue? The last place on the tour wasn't even open yet, so we straggled back to the second place to wait for an hour. Then, when we headed over to the second place, the lineup was MASSIVE and apparently unmoving, and the cold and the wind were just ugly. After huddling with my friends like sheep while whining like angry kittens, we up and left for home, where we ordered donairs and souvlaki, talked for hours with Annie and Jord, and noted how we only got one measly beer and some soggy nachos for oru $15 tickets. It's a good thing we know how to have a good time with friends despite our plans tanking. Oh, and we intend to do our own pub crawling sometime next month, featuring the town's one and oooonly Karaoke bar . . . . public embarassment, here I come!
To backtrack a few unblogged weeks, the medschool pub crawl was excellent, and inclded lots of free beer, games, meeting new cool people, piggybacking races, beer boat races, and wearing of unfortunate clothing. As far as unfortunate clothing went, I ended up in animal print boxers and a swirly black and white and sequinned 70's minidress that was quite tight and short. Fortunately the boxers made it impossible to flash anyone, and usually I was able to pull down the dress over the boxers, and actually looked rather hot in a hookerish way.
I really enjoyed the whole thing, had a kickass time without embarassing myself, and also learned to my surprise that I can actually chug beer well enough not to embarass myself in boat races, even when against guys. Of course, against the Russian I was toast (Well, he's from Georgia, but I would like to think he has some mystical advantage in the alcohol consumption abilities) but I still impressed myself, Keltie, and several onlookers. We finished up at Evolution, and had a great time dancing . . . and still made it home on the last bus.
So, back to the micro/bioc pubcrawl last night: the theme was Trailer Trash and, seeing as the last pubcrawl we attended was a blast, me and Kelt got ALL dolled up for it. I mean, we had fishnets, hiiiigh heels, little tiny skirts, and little corset things overtop of our shirts. The word 'shirt' here is used lightly, as mine was originally a negligee top at La Senza, and Keltie had a lowcut black lycra-ish thing that she deliberately pulled down enough to flash her black with pink polkadots bra. We overdid the makeup, and chewed gum in the best tasteless way. When we got our pubcrawl shirts, we immediately chopped off 80% of the material, and made knots to tie the tiny sportsbra-shaped remains over our chests. If I must say so myself, we were some of the best-worst-dressed people there, and very thematically correct.
Unfortunately the pubcrawl was a disaster. It was the worst-organized pubcrawl I had ever been to, and my friend Rachel (a bartender at the first bar) said that the organizers underestimated the ticket sales by 50 people, gave a food order for 140 people only three hours in advance, didn't know how much beer they wanted, etc etc etc. The second bar was too small for all of us, so we were all crowded in, and the beer boat races plan fell through. The third bar, after hearing that there were 150 of us, refused to let us in . . . . yeah, what the hell kind of bar suddenly decides to ditch out as a planned pubcrawl venue? The last place on the tour wasn't even open yet, so we straggled back to the second place to wait for an hour. Then, when we headed over to the second place, the lineup was MASSIVE and apparently unmoving, and the cold and the wind were just ugly. After huddling with my friends like sheep while whining like angry kittens, we up and left for home, where we ordered donairs and souvlaki, talked for hours with Annie and Jord, and noted how we only got one measly beer and some soggy nachos for oru $15 tickets. It's a good thing we know how to have a good time with friends despite our plans tanking. Oh, and we intend to do our own pub crawling sometime next month, featuring the town's one and oooonly Karaoke bar . . . . public embarassment, here I come!
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