Thursday, March 15, 2007

Going nuts, awful stats project driving me to an advanced state of resigned misery

. . . so I came up with this in five crafty min out of self pity.

Ode to my stats project and co-sufferers in Bio 330

Sick of being tired and tired of being sick
alternately wired then molasses-slow and thick
why is it always something? why can't I just chill?
instead of always stressing till the point that I feel ill

Does everybody get this? are your teeth grinding too?
masking the wild with a calm face
facing the wild with a calm farce
act like you're mild though your hearts race
that's what we all do

Oh yeah, originally 'molasses' was 'sluglike', but barring limericks, anything with a slug in it just can't be that poetic, right? Though slugs fit in well with the theme of misery . . .


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